did you know that when a penguin has found its mate,
they stay together for the rest of their lives?

be my penguin?

1) My first name is Deborah but I hate how English-speakers pronounce it so I go by my middle name.
2) I'm fifteen; six months 'till I drive, and I was born in January 11, 1993.
3) I don't trust too many people but I'm pretty trustworthy.
4) I don't have too many friends either, but apparently I've got enough to survive
5) I'm pretty social though.
6) Horrible stage fright
7) I can't talk to many boys, specially the ones I like or think are cute.
8) I'm obsessed with Taylor Swift's songs, not all of them; but most of her songs~
9) I like writing.
10) I'm unusual
11) I love my life.
12) I don't hate too many things and I try to be understanding, though sometimes I fail and just hate everyone.
13) I know I'm writing too much now.
14) I'm Capricorn and I think it's the best astrological sign, after Libras.
15) I'm in The Rainbow for Girls; it's pretty cool and fun. <3
16) I read a lot.
17) My favorite book is Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell.
18) I'm way too lazy but I freak out when things are due at last minute. It's like... Slow reactions to essays, projects, cleaning my room when friends are over, ect.
19) I relate to most songs I listen to.
20) I believe everything happens for a reason, even that icky bitty small stuff.
21) I believe in fate, love at first sight, and sex after marriage. (shush;; )
22) I'm a good girl, good person, good listener, good talker, and all the things that relate with good and verbs/adjectives!
23) I'm optimism is balanced with my pessimism.
24) I like watching TV with my dog and cat when nobody's home.
25) I had a crush on Batman when I was four, used to hide the action figure in my underwear drawer! (ha!)
26) I think I'm greater than life sometimes, but I'm sure that I'm here for a good cause and that I shouldn't waste my time on the things I waste my time on... (I know;;)
27) I waste my time on too many things and people.
28) I'd like to leave my mark somewhere, anywhere where people can see it and say "oh Vanessa was here!"
29) I have a crush on the same guy I had a crush last year and I was really close to dating, though I made a mistake I blame him even though he has nothing to do with it.
30) Now all my friends hate him; except me because I still like him, a lot
31) I'm waiting for prince charming and I won't give up.
32) I'm running out of things to write but this is fun!
33) I think Adrian should write more too so I won't feel bad... :)
34) I can go from zero to sixty without letting anybody know.
35) I create fights with other people inside my head, and yes, I win most of the time.
36) I'm not the same person I was last year.
37) I like reading motivational books.
38) I think the world will never end.
39) Science is bulletproof (bullpoop!)
40) You believe what you want to believe
41) You are who you want to be.
42) You become who you want to become.
43) All dreams are able to come true..
44) You only have to believe really hard.
45) I don't work too hard on the things I think I want.
46) I don't know why though, I mean if I say I want them.. I guess I should work really hard but *refer to #18.*
47) I think crying is good for you sometimes.
48) I have slow grief reactions and I'm a 'hardy' type personality.
49) I take stress better than anyone I know.
50) I'd like to cry in school someday so guys would ask what's wrong and hug me. It'll never happen though.
51) I'm taking too many honors and AP classes.
52) I know I'm smart but I never study, *again refer to #18*.
53) I like being a jerk to people who are jerks to me and act like 'we're cool'.
54) I'm pretty much a nice person but usually nobody likes me.
55) I guess I'm too serious?
56) I used to think people didn't like me because 1) I talked too much 2) I was foreign 3) I didn't talk to the right people 4) they were jealous of me.
57) I was wrong. I just didn't talk to the right people.
58) I love high school.
59) I love Georgia.
60) I want to move away to another state and start my life on my own.
61) I want to lose my virginity during a storm. ( i don't know I thought you'd like to know?)
62) I think someone's going to murder Barrack Obama even though he's pretty cool.
63) Math is bullpoopy.
64) I don't like saying too many bad words, thus making me a good girl in every parent's eyes?
65) I still say a lot of bad words but get shocked when my friends though; sometimes.
66) I can be hypocritical sometimes and I have the tendency to contradict myself.
67) I think the main reason why I have stage fright is because I always criticize people, inside my head w/o anybody know it.
68) I don't mean to criticize people, it just happens and I feel guilty sometimes. ( though sometimes they do.. deserve it. )
69) The point though, I think stage fright is caused because I'm afraid people criticize me like I do them.
70) I'm trying to STOP criticizing though.
71) I'd like to be famous.
73) My favorite colors are plum, pink, yellow, blue,orange, green, and white. (specially green though.)
74) I look cute wearing black.
75) I look cute wearing blue and green.
76) I like scrap booking and is one of the things I'm not 'as' lazy about.
77) Tennis is another of the thing I'm not 'as' lazy about, and so is badminton.
78) I have to be motivated to do some things.
79) I don't like to be alone, but I don't like bad company so I rather be alone.
80) I've never 'dated' anyone officially.
81) Wasted my first kiss when I was four.
82) I felt unusually close to someone I didn't know...
83) I'm proud of my school.
84) I wish people had a sense of honor and proud.
85) I hate people that are always depressed or have a negative outlook on life.
86) I hate people that are lazier than I am.
87) Someday I'd love to have everything Apple brand.
88) I always fantasied about having a best male friend and falling in love with him.
89) I love to skate.
90) I love sleeping with my pets.
91) I have never gotten into a serious fight.
92) I like bargains.
93) I like quotes, poems, and lyrics I relate to.
94) My idols are Shakira, my mom, myself, none of my friends, Ayu Hamasaki, and others I can't remember.
95) Ha, I just said I can't remember some of my idols.
96) I talk to myself.
97) I waste my time on things I shouldn't be wasting.
98) I'm probably repeating myself.
99) I hate liars.
100) If you've read to this point, congratulations! Pat yourself on the back.



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